Monday 14 November 2011


The Importance of Supplementation

When dieting or bulking up it is not only important to get the proper nutrition and exercise but you also need to make sure that you’re getting some much needed supplementation.

So what is supplementation and why is it important?
Supplements (noun) as defined by Webster’s dictionary is “something added, especially to make up for a lack” and defined by as “something added to complete a thing, supply a deficiency, or reinforce or extend a whole.
Supplementation is the act of adding to an incomplete thing or a needed item in order to decrease the need for it. In the way of weight loss supplementation is used in order to replenish your body’s lost vitamins and minerals that were lost through exercise, and everyday living.
What happens is that throughout the day and during your exercise periods you’re body uses up its vitamin and other nutrient reserves in order to feed it. Normally you can replenish a lot of these nutrients from food and beverages you eat and drink throughout the day. However foods are only replenish a part of what you lose, and only replenishes certain nutrients.
Other factors that affect the loss of our body’s nutrients are the pollution in the environment around us, stress of work or everyday life, smoking, drinking, drugs, certain medications, ailments that prevent the absorption of certain vitamins, etc. These are all things that cause us to lose those valuable vitamins and nutrients that our body needs to function. (When it comes to ailments that prevent the absorption however you will have to seek a doctors advice on what to do as medication, is sometimes necessary.)
This is where supplementation comes into play. When it comes to replenishing a wide range of nutrients and vitamins for your body, probably the best supplementation for you is a good multi-vitamin. As the name states it has multiple vitamins and nutrients, in specific quantities that has one goal, and that is to re-stock your body’s reserves.
When it comes to supplementation, for the most part both men and women lose a lot of the same vitamins and nutrients, however there are some vitamins and minerals that men lose a lot more of then women and vice versa. For this reason they have made multi-vitamins that have been catered for both men and women.
So what happens if we don’t get enough vitamins and nutrients for our bodies?
Basically put if our bodies are unable to get some of the nutrients and vitamins it needs it becomes deficient in it. This cause our bodies to work less efficiently, and in the long run can cause us to develop certain ailments such as anemia from lack of iron, night blindness from a lack of vitamin A, scurvy from a lack of vitamin C and many others. When our body is unable to do what it needs to in order to keep us healthy it also allows our body’s to be more susceptible to sickness, like colds, the flu, etc.

As a nation, we eat poor-quality foods that have been stripped of nutrients.  We do not consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables.  Many of us get our whole grains from instant rice, refined wheat breads, pastas, and cereal. We eat a tremendous amount of prepackaged, pre-made meals. One-quarter of people eat at fast food restaurants each day. A lot of people are overfed and undernourished. We eat plenty but we are still starving

The foods we eat are not providing our bodies with the nutrition it needs to survive and be healthy. We are starving our bodies and we are sick. We suffer from diabetes, heart attacks, obesity, and the list goes on and on.
Given proper nutrition, the human body has an amazing ability to heal itself. If properly fed and given the right nutrients, the human body is designed to repair itself. To do so, we need to eat a healthier diet, exercise, and take high-quality supplements made from natural herbal ingredients. Organic food supplements supply our bodies with nutrients we are not getting from our diet, all the vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and phytonutrients that foods possess in a way that nature intended, in a whole food form.
Only organic food supplements complete the nutritional gap
Whole food supplements are made by concentrating foods for use in supplements. When processed correctly, they supply a multitude of the plant's components. Foods provide nutrients that work synergistically. They work together to provide you with optimal nutrition for good health

TEL: 08190439477

Sunday 2 October 2011

women sanitary hygiene

The physical discomforts of  menstruation experienced  by every women is a vital sign of good health and fertility that indicates the body’s ability to reproduce- an amazing  phenomenon of  nature since the beginning of  time that is  vital for  the  existence of  of the  human race

Did you know?
-         That  a woman will use an average of 15,000 pieces of  sanitary napkins within 30-40 years in her entire life
-         The  chances of matured women to be affected by vaginal infections are  as high as 83%
-         The  use  of  poor quality sanitary napkins caused 62% of  the  women to be infected
-         On the  average, a woman needs  about 3 to 6 days a month for the treatment of vaginal infections
-         If a woman begins to suffer from vaginal infections  at the  age  of  20yrs,she will spend at least an estimated 6yrs of  her life on medical treatments
Common symptoms of bacterial infections during menstruation
1. Slight fever
2. External vaginal inflammation
3. Itchy skin
4. Vaginal inflammation
5 cervical inflammations
6. Endometrial inflammation
7. Excessive white discharge
8 searing heat or pain in the lower abdomen
Note: faver, nauseous, urge to urinate, urinal pain, sore waist, offensive smell, aching waist and fatigue are symptoms of bacterial infection during menstruation, which may lead to more threatening gynaecological diseases..

Why is it so easy for women to suffer from bacterial infections during menstruation?
As much as 107 bacteria can reside on per cm2 surface of a common sanitary napkin, an excellent environment for the growth and multiplication of bacteria and harmful viruses, after continuous use of 2 hours

Common mistakes made in the use of sanitary napkins
1. Use of unwashed hands throughout the process of handling the sanitary napkins
2. Storing fresh sanitary napkin in moist area such as bathrooms
3. Using expired sanitary napkins
4 selecting sanitary napkins without emphasis o the quality
5. Using medicated or deodorised sanitary napkins
6. Sanitary napkin is not changed regularly

RECOMMENDTION: The winalite love moon anion sanitary napkin,
The winalite love moon sanitary pad comes with unique characteristic and is made from anion

●What is Anion?
Anion in the air is like vitamin in the food, with great benefits for health and daily life. Also referred as “Vitamin in Air”, it can effectively facilitate body growth as well as disease prevention.

●The Benefit Of Anion
·For Respiratory System
Improves lung function. The lung is able to inhale 20% more oxygen 30 minutes after anion intake.
·For Cardiovascular System
Reduces blood pressure significantly, improves cardiac muscle function and nutrition, facilitates the dilation of capillary vessel and the rise of skin temperature.
·For Nerve System
Energizes the entire body, improves sleep quality, eases pain and tension.
·For Metabolism
Activates various enzymes in body, reduces blood sugar and cholesterol level, raises blood calcium level and urine amount, increases the amount of nitrogen and creatinine in urine, accelerates bone growth, prevents scurvy, rachitis and vitamin insufficiency.
·For immune system
Improves body reactivity, activates reticuloendothelial system and enhances disease resistance.

Specialty of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin
·Comfort Level
Different from the chemical fiber surface or rough cotton surface of normal sanitary napkins, Love Moon is made of soft cotton that is gentler, thinner and much comfier.
·Air Permeability
The base of "love moon" anion sanitary napkin is permeable to air but not to water. It leaves no room for bacteria multiplication and gynecological diseases.
·Water Absorption
The cotton surface can absorb twice as much fluid as normal sanitary napkin. The super absorbent polymer can  hold the penetrated water in, instead of let them side leak or back flow.
·Health Care
Love Moon’s anion chip can emit high density of anion when in use. The released oxygen can suppress the major source that causes gynecological diseases.
To protect our customer from low quality counterfeits, Love Moon features add-in bio-magnetism substance in the anion chip which has an anti-counterfeiting function.

●7 Layers
·1st layer
Premium soft surface feels soft&comfortable.
·2nd layer
Unique Anion Chip works naturally to relieve menstrual discomforts.
·3rd layer
Ultra soft layer enhances softness&freshness.
·4th layer
Super absorbent polymer locks in moisture, keeps surface dry.
·5th layer
Ultra soft layer enhances softness&freshness.
·6th layer
Air-permeable layer eliminates moisture&heat fast, keeping you fresh.
·7th layer
Specially designed back adhesive conforms to human ergonomics.

●Love Moon Anion Pantiliner
Winalite has created the world’s first pantiliner with anion chip.
Specialty of Love Moon Anion Pantiliner:
·Soft cotton covers for greater comfort
·Anion chip provide greater healthcare effect
·Great air permeability layer, let air circulate and keep you drier
·It can effectively suppress body odor well before its emission
·Stay-put adhesive keeps the liner in place

Unique characteristics of love moon sanitary napkins
1. Enhanced air ventilation
2. patented anionic padding
3. Highly absorbent & prevents leakage
4. Stringent compliance to international safety levels
5. Packaged in hygienic, air tight sealed packets
6. Our hi-tech production facility ensures highest quality standards
7. Patented self test kits provided free of charge
Note:  you will be given a free self test kit for every purchase of love moon sanitary napkins
Use the complimentary colour card to gauge the state of your fertility and colour indicator can help you to gauge
1. The state of your health before and after use of love moon sanitary napkins
2. Periodic analysis of menstrual health
It’s easy to use. Safe and reliable

To place order for your love moon sanitary napkin call: 08056267083 or
Visit: shop 18, sanni anifowose house, 58 obafemi awolowo way ikeja

-Remember a woman’s menstrual cycle is a very venerable and scared affair!!!!


What is  highblood pressure?

High blood pressure or hypertension is the excessive force exerted on the artery walls by the blood flowing through the body. This elevated pressure can cause more serious complications; therefore it must be treated effectively.

Some of the symptoms that high blood pressure presents are:
* Tightness, pressure, or pain in the chest or arms
* Dizziness
* Fatigue
* Loss of consciousness
* Low exercise tolerance
* Nausea
* Episodes of confusion
Everyone Should Have their Blood Pressure Checked

They are:
1. Garlic Oil Softgel/ Cardio-power Capsule (one out of this is important)

2. Spirulina Capsule

3. Kuding Tea
Green World holds the expectation of maximizing human health utilizing natural resources. We provide products to customers benefiting their needs, delightfulness, well-beings and life qualities. You can gain health, at the same time esteem and freedom.

CALL : 08025755772, 08056267083- Lagos, Abuja, Kaduna etc.
Nationwide Delivery available

Friday 30 September 2011


Be Jolie is a multi-level marketing consulting firm and health shop Located in Lagos, Nigeria,
We are into sales of various organic/herbal nutritional supplements and skincare products made fro 100% herbal and natural ingredients,
Be Jolie Limited has the benefit of over 3 years of experience in the international health food supplement industry. We have had the opportunity to research and work with some multi-level marketing companies and International organizations committed to sales of health and keep-fit products
be jolie offers an unparalleled range of natural health food and skincare products.
 we offer both wholesale and retail services to both individuals and corporate bodies
We also give expert advice, tips and one on one trainging for people who wish to creat a career or want to go into multi-level marketing business, we give advice on new and existing networking company with the best pay package you can invest in, ,how to build,grow and expand your business network
we have the solutions. We have that someone you can trust. We help source, research, recommend, advice and guide clients on what networking company to invest in.
All for a cost effective fixed rate. And you can call us whenever you need us we have highly trained and skilled consultants who can help you with:
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• Support (The bit where we hold your hand)
• Consulting (The bit where we help you work the solution

so If you've got the sharp sight,the broad wings and the talons - then this lucrative flight is for you! JOIN our global business


Sunday 25 September 2011



VEMMA is the abbreviation for Vitamins Essential Minerals Mangos teen Aloe.
Vemma provides a powerful liquid formula that makes it easy to get the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need to form a solid nutritional foundation.* Each refreshing serving is bioavailable (body-ready), delicious and easy to drink! 

 Their main products are:
  • Vemma Mangosteen Plus – based on the mangosteen superfruit
  • Vemma Verve – energy drink that delivers a complete supply of nutrients
  • Vemma Next – children drink, supports the body's immune system
  • Vemma Thirst – the new addition of 2010, a nutritionally complete sports drink

The products contain more than 66 vitamins and minerals. The use of mangosteen and aloe in Vemma ingredients provides superior nutritional and antioxidant properties and the juice is supplemented by green tea, another powerful antioxidant. Lab tests have proven that Vemma provides by far more total mangosteen per ounce than any of the other mangosteen based products.  The vast majority of the Vemma reviews by consumers are very positive. The quality and great health benefits of the drink is undeniable and it has very beneficial results in increasing energy, stamina and the overall physical state.