Sunday 29 April 2012


Welcome to Organo Gold. And welcome to a global groundbreaking movement that starts with Organo Gold coffee. From the ground to the cup. We’re a company that is working to improve people’s health, wealth and bring more balance into their lives thanks to the overwhelming power of Ganoderma – an ancient Chinese herb that has been used for more than 4,000 years to enhance wellness.
By infusing gourmet coffee and an ever expanding product line with the power of the Ganoderma Lucidum herb, Organo Gold has scientifically developed a healthy alternative to regular coffee that not only tastes great, but makes people feel great. And that’s where you fit in.
Organo Gold is on a mission, spreading the knowledge of Ganoderma to the four corners of the world and partnering with thousands and thousands of people along the way. Using the cost effective network distribution system to deliver these Ganoderma products, more of every dollar is shared with our growing Organo Gold family world-wide.
Think about your future. Where will you and your family be in 5 years from right now? You may know where you want to be, but do you know how you are going to get there? Do you have a plan? Now more than ever it’s up to you to define your future. That’s where Organo Gold comes into the picture.
Organo Gold is a global family that is growing and thriving every day. A family that is caring and compassionate and believes that the knowledge of Ganoderma should be in the hands of people world-wide. It’s a family that cares about you
Organo Gold - The Company
Organo Gold has the largest organic Ganoderma Lucidum farms in the world thus producing the absolute most pure 100% certified organic Ganoderma Lucidum: What is Ganoderma Lucidum? It is known in Japan as Reishi and China as Ling Zhi. It is a red mushroom that is known as the King of Herbs. It literally has been in use over 4,000 years. Ancient royalty prized this mushroom for its phenomenal medicinal properties. Ganoderma Lucidum promotes health and well-being.
OrGano Gold has brought 100% certified organic Ganoderma Lucidum and gourmet coffee together and has positioned itself in front of the largest traded commodity in the world next to oil. Ganoderma Lucidum is considered a natural treasure and now you can have access to it. Now you can share it with those you love. You can share it with your co-workers, colleagues, neighbors and anyone you meet. This natural treasure is literally bringing physical, emotional and financial relief to many.
Organo Gold is giving all of its representatives the right tools, support, training and compensation to create whatever residual income they are determined to make. Organo Gold are producing coffee millionaires. This company has been said to have the most cooperative team in network marketing history. It is said to have the most ethical and fairest management team. Organo Gold pays up to 50% of product sales to its representatives.
The compensation plan is simple and balanced. It has combined the two most powerful pay structures known in the Direct Sales Industry. Together the two pay structures work together synergistically. They work as the dynamic duo creating both large immediate fast start earnings as well as a very significant long-term residual income that is changing lives. Representatives are capitalizing on the promotional firepower of a Dual Team pay structure.
This structure rewards every single stage of business development coupled very generously with a Unilevel Plan. It also includes powerful Generational Bonuses. It doesnt stop there. In addition there are Matching Bonuses and a Worldwide Bonus Pool for sales leaders. There are no restrictions in the number of New Customers that you may acquire. There is neither restrictions to the number of New Representatives you can sponsor onto your team.

As an Organo Gold Representatives you can expand your team by building literally a seamless local, regional and worldwide representative organization. Organo Gold is ever adding more and more countries in which you can do business.
Products: 100% certified Ganoderma Lucidum & It's Phenomenal Delivery Methods

Delivery method? Our Ganoderma Lucidum is delivered through coffee, mocha, latte, tea, hot chocolate and beauty soap! How cool is that?
The foundation of our product line is 100% certified Ganoderma Lucidum

Organo Gold and Napoleon Hills Foundation Collaberation
Do you know who Napoleon Hill is? Have you ever read Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill? If not, let me explain. Napoleon Hill is world-renown for making more millionaires than anyone in the world. Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich has sold more than 60 million copies worldwide. It revolutionized the whole concept of self-help writing and to this day remains the standard against which all other motivational literature is measured. This classic of classics on the subject of personal achievement has helped literally millions of people to lead richer, fuller lives. It is said that Hill has made more millionaires and inspired more successes than any other person in history.
Many fortune 100 companies have approached the Napoleon Hill Foundation for years wanting to collaberate with them. No one ever has until now.
Organo Gold is the first and only company that the Napoleon Hill Foundation has chosen to collaberate and publish an Exclusive Collectors Edition of Think and Grow Rich. This partnership has made history and will never be repeated.
Think about it. This book has sold more copies than any book in the world next to the Bible. It IS the Bible of the business world and to the rich and affluent. Now, the Napoleon Hill Foundation has partnered with a company who is in the business of the largest traded commodity in the world next to oil and the most consumed beverage in the world next to water....Organo Gold.

It does not get any better than this. This is a sign and a clue for you to seize this opportunity right now.
What Is Ganoderma Lucidum
Organic Ganoderma Lucidum is a fungus that is found in tree stumps and logs that are decaying. It has been a part of Chinese traditional medicine for over 4,000 years, commonly used to treat hypertension, liver disorders, arthritis as well as other medical conditions. It is considered the oldest mushroom to be utilized in medicine, and is among the most respected of its kind. Chinese culture has always held mushrooms in high regard for their medicinal and special properties. This fungus was once rare, being very difficult to find and cultivate. Today, it is readily available thanks to more effective cultivation of the plant.
Organic Ganoderma Lucidum naturally occurs in a variety of colors, but the one most commonly cultivated is the red variety. This mushroom is very beautiful, but it isn't beneficial because of its beauty. Often, this mushroom is referred to as Reishi or Ling Zhi, which is Chinese for 'herb of spiritual potency'. This fungus has been added to the American Pharmacopoeia and Therapeutic Compendium. It is known for having the following properties in regards to its health improvement and medicinal abilities: anti-allergen, antioxidant, cardiovascular, immunomodulating, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, inhibition of platelet aggregation, prevention of bronchitis, antiviral, anti-diabetic, and kidney and nerve tonic as well as many other properties that make it a medicinal wonder drug of sorts.
One of the applications of organic Ganoderma Lucidum is in coffee. Ganoderma coffee, more commonly known as Gano Coffee, offers a different type of coffee for people to enjoy that includes a variety of health benefits. Although there are many ways to purchase and take this plant as an herbal supplement, the coffee is one of the most popular items simply because of the popularity of coffee among Americans. With more than 300 million cups of coffee consumed each day by Americans, turning this fungus into a coffee product is an effective way to get more people to use the product.
There are many different forms of organic Ganoderma Lucidum that can be used for herbal and medicinal use, including powder, tea, coffee, and other products. People who consider using this type of medicinal product need to be certain that they are getting an authentic product that is organic and that offers a high amount of the fungus, because some products include fillers and only have 20% to 30% content of Ganoderma Lucidum. Because this is a natural product, there is also no risk of adverse reactions or side effects for people who choose to use it.

What Is Ganoderma Mycelium?
100 Percent Certified Ganoderma Lucidum Mycellium is an 18-21 day-old Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom with high concentration of organic germanium and polysaccharides.
It is the basically Ganoderma Lucidum at the "root" stage. At this stage it has tremendous positive effects on the human brain. It is also an immune system enhancer.

What Are Ganoderma Spores?
100 Percent Certified Organic Ganoderma Spore Powder are the seeds of a fully grown Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom.
Spores are 17 times more powerful than the body of the mushroom itself. Ours are naturally log wood cultivated and extracted through low-temperature, "shell broken" technology with an unheard of purity reaching 99.9%. Organo Gold has patented technology to achieve this.
It is Certified organic in China, the United States, Japan and the European Union, the spore powder is rich in polysaccharides, triterpenes, Organic germanium and selenium. No other company can match it!

Ganoderma Lucidum that is log-harvested naturally and organically by Organo Gold.
What is the difference between Ganoderma Lucidum by OrGano Gold or others?
Ganoderma Lucidum is grown in a couple different ways. One way is in plastic bags in a controlled environment. The other way is on logs which is the way they are grown naturally and have been for 4,000 years. Many companies choose the first.
However, Organo Gold grows their certified organic ganoderma lucidum on logs naturally. This method makes all the difference in the world.

Why is log-harvested better?
When Ganoderma Lucidum is log-harvested the mushroom is allowed to produce the most powerful form of its kind...spores. Spores are seeds which fall from underneath the mushroom and are 17 times more powerful than the mushroom body itself.
When Ganoderma Lucidum is grown in bags it cannot produce spores. This is the reason why Organo Gold chose to harvest Ganoderma Lucidum naturally using logs. .

Benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum 

What are the benefits of OrGano Gold 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma Lucidum?
  • Supports and builds the Immune System.
  • Oxygenates the Body
  • Boosts stamina
  • Packed with over 150 all-natural antioxidants that fight free radicals
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Promotes younger skin (GanoDERMA)
  • Promotes cell rejuvenation
  • More energy
  • A powerful detoxifyer for the body
  • Promotes deeper and more enjoyable sleep
  • Promotes sexual stamina
Ganoderma Lucidum contains the most powerful nutrients that can help the human body to maintain its natural state of good health. It also improves its level of health if there are problems .
Ganoderma Lucidum works completely on the body and not on the disease. Ganoderma Lucidum enhances and promotes the strengthening of your natural immune system, balancing the body and as a result treats itself for a wide range of health problems. Ganoderma Lucidum is known to promotes overall good vitality and health. It also acts as a harmonizer on the body and helps maintain body balance.
Science has shown that antioxidants neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals of normal cellular respiration and metabolism. Ganoderma Lucidum is one of the most powerfuld anti oxidants at 23,500 I.U's
A healthy body has a healthy heart, healthy blood pressure, healthy cholesterol levels, normal blood sugar levels, and a healthy respiratory system. All the organs in the body operate without problems.
Ganoderma Lucidum promotes, improves and maintains general well-being.
Ganoderma Lucidum is the English scientific name for a species of red mushroom that once grew in the wild and is now being cultivated at special farms, in pristine natural growing conditions.  Ganoderma Lucidum is currently used in Chinese medicine and contains more than 200 active elements that are known to improve health. The following are a few that modern science is currently focusing on:

  • Strengthen the body's immune system
  • Balance blood sugar level and improves pancreatic functions
  • Protect against degeneration of skin cells and eliminates dead surface cells which improves skin texture and reduces the appearance of aging
  • Controls destruction of healthy cells throughout the body
  • Eliminates accumulated toxins
Organic Germanium:
  • Increases oxygen in the blood system
  • Reduces fatigue and increases vitality
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Increases the metabolism
  • Contains an abundance of anti-oxidants that control or inhibit damaging free radicals. Free radicals are a major cause of cell degeneration, cancer and aging.
  • Assists our body's natural ability to maintain healthy cells
  • Reduces cholesterol and body fat
  • Helps to unclog arteries plugged with fatty deposits, and supports liver function
  • Balances the metabolic rate and boosts energy
  • Prevents fragmentation of platelets which can cause blockages in the circulatory system
  • Fortifies and improves the digestive system
  • Inhibits allergies, relieves sinus congestion, and helps with respiratory problems
  • Reduces cholesterol and fat
Ganoderic Essence:
  • Rejuvenates the body's tissues and cells
  • Boosts all the body's functions
  • Helps to maintain youthfulness and contributes to improved vitality
  • Overcomes skin disorders and beautifies the skin
  • Is effective for relieving external problems such as scrapes, skin wounds, psoriasis, bug bites, stings, sunburn, mouth ulcers, and external bleeding.
Research has shown that Ganoderma Lucidum has many unique active constituents. One group of active constituents is the Polysaccharides. The various types of Polysaccharides found in Ganoderma Lucidum have demonstrated immune-enhancing properties which includes enhancement of several important interleukins. Another major class of compounds is the Triterpenes. These compounds have been reported to have adaptogenic, anti-hypertensive, and anti-allergy effects.
Cardiovascular Benefits
Ganoderma Lucidum has been shown in some studies to inhibit platelet aggregation and reduce blood pressure. In studies of people with hypertension, researchers found blood pressure was significantly reduced over two-weeks' time with reishi supplementation.
Immune Benefits
Ganoderma Lucidum is commonly prescribed by practitioners for long-term immune system support. In studies involving patients with advanced tumors, the patients were given Ganoderma Lucidum for thirty days. Researchers found a marked immune-modulating effect as demonstrated by an increase in T lymphocytes and decreased CD8 counts. Patients also reported reduced side effects due to chemotherapy or radiation as well as postoperation recovery.
Blood Sugar Balance
Studies have shown Ganoderma Lucidum to have a blood sugar lowering effect. Much of this activity appears to be due to polysaccharides known as Ganoderans A, B, and C.
It appears there are three main mechanisms behind this hypoglycemic effect. This includes Ganoderma Lucidum's ability to elevate plasma insulin levels, to enhance peripheral tissue utilization of glucose, and to enhance liver metabolism of glucose.
Anti-inflammatory Effects
Studies have shown that hot-water extracts of Ganoderma Lucidum have anti-inflammatory effects.
Liver Protector
Ganoderma Lucidum is commonly used for its hepatoprotective (liver protective) action.
One of the unique uses of Ganoderma Lucidum is for altitude sickness. Reishi appears to reduce altitude sickness by oxygenating the blood. This benefit was studied in Asian mountain climbers that ascended mountains as high as 17,000 feet with minimal reaction.
 The benefits of OrGano Gold Organic Ganoderma does not stop there. We just cannot list them all. Simply Google the word Ganoderma then any health issue and search. You will be amazed of the documented proof and research done on this herb.


Organo Gold Gourmet Black Coffee
Organo Gold Gourmet Black coffee will excite and awaken every coffee lover’s senses. You’ll be delighted by the familiar Organo Gold rich aroma and the flavour of fresh brewed coffee. It’s a convenient “anytime” drink that is ready in seconds. Most importantly, it’s Healthier Coffee. Organo Gold Gourmet Black Coffee is packed with the goodness of the 100 Percent Certified Ganoderma Lucidum Red Mushrooms. It truly is a celebration in a cup for lovers of Gourmet Black Coffee taste.

Organo Gold Gourmet Latte
Organo Gold is proud to offer what coffee lovers have been searching for. A truly healthy Gourmet Coffee Latte. Organo Gold Gourmet Latte is packed with nutrition from the 100 Percent Certified Organic Ganoderma Lucidum Red Mushrooms that have been acclaimed for more than 4,000 years as the “King of Herbs.” OG Gourmet Latte is made from high quality, aromatic Arabica coffee beans, infused with Organic Ganoderma Lucidum extract and blended with sweetener and cream. Let Organo Gold Gourmet Latte invigorate your imagination and stimulate your taste buds.
Organo Gold Gourmet Mocha
Go ahead. Let temptation run wild. Organo Gold Gourmet Mocha is just like having an energizing, but Healthier, “Liquid Dessert” in a cup. For the most delicious flavor, we’ve blended Organo Gold Gourmet Mocha with the finest variety of cocoa available. And for health and wellness each cup is packed with the 100 Percent Certified Organic Ganoderma Lucidum Red Mushroom. Organo Gold Gourmet Mocha defines world-class mocha quality for the discriminating gourmet mocha lover. Mmmmm. Enjoy.

Organo Gold Gourmet Organic Green Tea
With Organo Gold Gourmet Organic Green Tea you’ll enjoy the best of all worlds. The exceptionally smooth, rich, flavorful character of a soothing, delicious cup of Organic Green Tea  combined with the benefits of the 100 Percent Certified Organic Ganoderma will have your taste buds jumping. This incredible powerhouse is the envy of flavor mavens and nutritional experts throughout the world. It’s only available from Organo Gold.

Organo Gold Gourmet Hot Chocolate
Cocoa, from which chocolate is created, is said to have originated in the Amazon at least 4,000 years ago. With just one sip of Organo Gold Gourmet Hot Chocolate you’ll understand why the wait was worth it. You can feel good about offering Organo Gold Gourmet Hot Chocolate to the whole family. It’s infused with all the benefits of 100 Percent Certified Organic Ganoderma, but don’t tell your children (or the big kids in the family) that it’s good for them. They’ll just love the rich, smooth-as-silk chocolate flavor.
"The King of Coffee"
“The King of Coffee”. January, 2010 Organo Gold Founder and C.E.O. Bernie Chua announced an incredible new product at the Houston 2010 Lift Off Convention. Organo Gold is proud to mark the start of a new generation with the introduction of “The King of Coffee.” “The King of Coffee” is exclusively produced by Organo Gold. It is the only Healthier Coffee product of its kind in the World. There is simply no competition. “The King of Coffee” proudly features Premium Coffee infused with 100-percent Certified “Ganoderma Spore Powder Extract.” “The King of Coffee” is crafted with the exclusive scientific breakthrough of “Advanced Micro-Particle Technology” that is applied to the spore cell wall breaking operation providing an unprecedented 99.9-percent purity.


Ganoderma Lucidum
100 Percent Certified Organic Ganoderma Lucidum has been revered for 5000 years as the world's number one "Superior" herb. It also, scientifically proven worldwide as nature's most potent health booster and overall conditioner. It is associated with longevity, youthfulness, vitality and virility.

Ganoderma Lucidum Mycellium
100 Percent Certified Ganoderma Lucidum Mycellium is an 18-day-old Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom with high concentration of organic germanium and polysaccharides. It is an immune system enhancer.
Grape Seed Oil Extract
Grape seed oil extract has phyto-chemicals which have been known for their inflammatory action, free radical protection and also known to improve skin tone. Contains significant amounts of resveratrol, another substance that acts as an anti-inflammaotry agent. It has flavanoids or oligomeric procyanidins (OPCs), which are known to have 50 times more potent antioxidant protection than either Vitamin C or Vitamin E.
Ganoderma Spore Powder
100 Percent Certified Organic Ganoderma Spore Powder is the seed of Ganoderma Lucidum. Natural log wood cultivated and extracted through low-temperature, "shell broken" technology with an unheard of purity reaching 99.9%. Certified organic in China, the United States, Japan and the European Union, the spore powder is rich in polysaccharides, triterpenes, Organic germanium and selenium

OG Smile
A toothpaste with 100% Organic Ganoderma and the fresh taste of mint developed for the special care of your teeth and gums. OG Smile contains natural products that promote oral health and leave you with whiter teeth and fresher breath.
G3 Premium Beauty Soap
A unique combination of Glutathione, Grapeseed and Ganoderma Lucidum Extract. Its special formulation cleanses, moisturizes, and is hypoallergenic. Regular use promotes skin's youthful vibrancy





 It’s said that health is the state of a person body or mind.
As we know that health is wealth and knowledge is power, an awareness of health status will not only make us live long but also give us a healthy living keeping us safe in our day to day activity.  

                            Why do you need to know your health status?

  1. To prevent sickness and diseases
  2. For information about the dos and don’ts concerning proper diet.
  3. To know your blood sugar coefficient.
  4. To know your water shortage level.
  5. To know your blood pressure.
  6. Promote proper digestion coefficient.
  7. Improve your cardiovascular and cerebrovascular functions.
  8. Protect, improve and balance gynecology function.
  9. Improve sexual ability.
  10. To know your sperm count, motility rate and liquefying state.
  11. Promote the immune system and endocrine system.
  12. Know your lacking trace element.
  13. Know your bone minerals density.
Just to mention a few.

With our Diagnostic body analyzer machine you can know the true state of all your body Organs  (HEART, LUNGS, KIDNEY, LIVER, PROSTATE, BONES, BLOOD SUGAR, STOMACH, TRACE ELEMENTS etc) within 10mins

Make sure you check your health status today and be free, happy and confident.
Remember it is cheaper to have a check up, detect and prevent health conditions early than to fight sudden attacks

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A crown manhood Green world male care package

Many health problems that  are  shared by men  and  women, such as cardiovascular diseases and  some cancers, tend to affect  men earlier in life, there are also certain conditions including prostate disorders, impotence and  other sexual dysfunctions that  are  specific to men, men are also at higher risk of  injuries overall there  are  more  pre-mature deaths in men  than women despite  these challenges to their health, men tend to ignore their symptoms, are less likely to visit their doctors for advice, and maybe especially reluctant to ask for help when they notice abnormalities of their health. Here we have certain disorders that men may come across at different age.

Erectile Dysfunction[ED]

Sexual dysfunction-erectile dysfunction, sometimes called impotence is the repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. The word impotence may also be used to describe other problems that interfere with sexual intercourse and reproduction, such as lack of sexual desire and problems with ejaculation or orgasm. Using the term erectile dysfunction makes it clear that those other problems are not involved. Erectile dysfunction or ED, can be a total inability to achieve erection, an inconsistent ability to do so ,or a tendency to sustain only brief erections.In older men ,ED usually has a physical cause ,such as disease,injury,or side effects of drugs. Any disorder that causes injury to the nerves or impairs blood flow in the penis has the potential to cause ED.Incidence increases with age; about 5 percent of 40-year-old men and between 15 and 25 percent of 65-year-old men experienced. But it is not an inevitable part of aging.

What causes erectile dysfunction[ED]?

Damages to nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, and fibrous tissues, often as a result of disease’s d most common cause of ED.Disease-such as diabetes, kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, vascular disease, and neurologic disease-account for about 70 percent of ED cases. Between 35 and 50 percent of men with diabetes experienced. A lifestyles choice that contributes to heart disease and vascular problems also raise the risk of erectile dysfunction. Also ,surgery[especially radical prostate and bladder surgery for cancer]can injure nerves and arteries near the penis,causing ED.Experts believe that psychological factors such as stress,anxiety,guilt,depression,low self esteem ,and fear of sexual failure cause 10 to 20 percent of ED cases. Men with a physical cause for ED frequently experience the same sort of psychological reactions [stress, anxiety, guilt, depressions].Other possible causes are smoking, which affects blood flow in veins and arteries, and hormonal abnormalities, such as not enough testosterone.

How to deal with ED?

Most physicians suggest that treatments proceed from least to most invasive. For some men, making a few healthy lifestyles changes may solve the problems. Quitting smoking, losing excess weight, and increasing physical activity may help some men regain sexual function.

Premature Ejaculation [PE] 

Premature ejaculation [PE; also known as rapid ejaculation]is the most common type of sexual dysfunction in men younger than 40 years. An estimated 30% of males experience this problem. Most professionals who treat premature ejaculation define this condition as the occurrence of ejaculation prior to to the wishes of both sexual partners. This broad definition thus avoids specifying a precise duration for sexual relations and reaching a climax, which is variable and depends on many factors specific to the individuals engaging in intimate relations. An occasional instance of premature ejaculation might not be cause  for concern ,but, if the problem occurs with more than 50% of attempted sexual relations, a dysfunctional pattern usually exist  for which treatment may be appropriate.Today,most sex therapist understand premature ejaculation as occurring when lack of ejaculation control interfere with sexual or emotional well-being in one or both partners. In most cases premature ejaculation does matter, because it makes people unhappy and frustrated. And in several cases PE can threaten or even ruin a marriage-simply because it spoils the sex life of both partners.sometimes,the condition is so bad the man Can’t have sex because he ejaculates before he can get into the vagina.This can be devastating for a man’s self confidence. And it can be hugely frustrating and annoying for his partner-especially if she wants to get pregnant. If a male has always experienced ejaculation from the time he began coitus, then he has primary ejaculation .If he had successful coital relationship in the past, yet began experiencing premature ejaculation with the current relationship, then he has secondary premature ejaculation. In most cases, secondary premature ejaculation is easier to treat and has a better prognosis.

What causes premature ejaculation?
The cause of premature ejaculation is considered as psychological factor, although this has not been definitively confirmed.

The male has never experienced sexual relations with also experiencing premature ejaculation deep-seated emotional disturbance may be present.
Sometimes, the behavior is a conditioned response resulting from teen masturbation practices, but, sometimes, the patient has deep anxiety about sex that relates to one or more traumatic experience encountered during development.

With regard to secondary premature ejaculation, some type of performance anxiety is often a major factor’s on Dysfunction is a common precipitating event. If the male is afraid his erection will not last, because of either actual instances of previous Erectile Dysfunction or imagined failure of his erection,  this may precipitate premature ejaculation. The male may have used the phrase Honey you excited me so much I just could not hold back; which might be a way for him to avoid admitting to the humiliation of being unable to keep his erection throughout intercourse. If he climaxes quickly, he then has an excuse to justify his inability to maintain his erection.
Perhaps Erectile Dysfunction is not part of the problem. Possibly, his partner has belittled him with comments such as; you must not be much of a man, since you cannot stay hard until am satisfied. In addition, she actually may have difficulty achieving climax through intercourse and may require direct clitoral stimulation to reach a climax. If she does not communicate this to him [and she may conceal it because of the feelings about her own inadequacy], then he will always fail to provide coital satisfaction for her.
[Incase the female partner has inadequacy of a loving gift of Green World Eva Spray will be the answer. This high tech product stimulates sexual excitements, moisturizes vagina as well as shortens the time of achieving orgasm.

These herbal products improve quality of sexual intercourse from beginning to the end. They can improve sexual desire as well as help erection through acceleratingthe blood circulation of the penis.By relaxing the muscles around the penis while enabling blood flow into the penis they help a male to achieve and sustain a strong and full erection thus solve the problem of premature ejaculation.
1; Green world vigpower capsule

2; Green world cordyceps plus capsule

3; Green world ginkgo biloba capsule
Ginkgo biloba is a herb that is known to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain. It improves the performance of the genital organs, dramatically improves sexual endurance, vitality, alertness, clarity, and memory, and promotes strong blood flow into the penis, resulting in a much larger and harder erection.

4; Green world golden knight spray
This product can increases sexual stamina, overcome the oversensivity of the penis while maintain sexual pleasure. it helps relieve premature ejaculation effectively. The combination of herbal extact relaxes the smooth muscle tissue of the penis; allowing extra blood to flow into the organs spongy central erectile tissues therefore sustains erection.

The prostate is a small gland, usually described as walnut-sized, that together with the seminal vesicles squeezes the fluid into the urethra as sperms moves through during sexual climax. This fliud, which makes up semen, energizes the sperm and makes the vagina less acidic. Prostate is located just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra, the tube through which the urine passes through the penis.problems with the prostate are usually connected to aging; the older you are, the more likely your chances of experiencing prostate problems and symptoms. Young men are rarely affected by these disorders. After age fifty, however, disorders of the gland are among the most common of men’s health complaints. Eighty percents of all prostate diagnoses, for instance, are made after age sixty-five, and by age seventy, ninety percent of all men display at least some symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
Prostate problems or symptoms tend to fall into three categories; prostatitis, or inflammation of the gland; benign prostatic hyperplasia [BHP], which results in an enlarged prostate that can narrow the urethra; and cancer.

Symptoms of the three disorders are often very similar, which includes any of the following;
-          Difficulty or pain while urinating
-          Burning sensation while urinating
-          Frequent urination
-          Abdominal pain
-          Dribbling or incontinence
-          Impotence
-          A feeling that your bladder never fully empties
-          A sudden inability to urinate
-          Urinary tract infection
-          Blood presents in urine and /or anemia
-          Frequent nighttime urination
Prostatities can be treated by antibiotics.BPH is the most common one that results in complications that might need surgery together with medications. As the prostate enlarges, the layer of tissue surrounding it stops it from expanding, causing the gland to press against the urethra like a clamp on a garden house. The bladder wall becomes thicker and irritable. The bladder begins to contract even when it contains small amount of urine causing more frequent urination.Eventually, the bladder weakens and loses the ability to empty itself, so some of the urine remains in the bladder cause many of the complication associated with BPH.

Certain prostate treatments can result in impotence, a fact that scares many men away from seeking treatment .The fear of possible impotence can result in men denying their symptoms and putting off treatment. While some treatment carry the risk of erectile dysfunction, other treatments are much safer. The treatment of choice depends in part, on the nature of the disorder  and its severity. Without treatment, BPH, cancer and order prostate disorders can result in impotence themselves, so a male with prostate disorders.
Maintaining a healthy weight by avoiding excess calories and keeping physically active is good step based on today’s evidence. Eating a balanced plant-based diet loaded with vegetables, fruit whole grains and beans, which the American institute for cancer research advocates for lower cancer risk is avoid another. For now that’s the soundest advice to avoid the seemingly unavoidable enlargement of the prostate.


1; Green world B-carotene & lycopene capsule
2; Green world protasure capsule
These products prevent and treat chronic prostatities as well as relieve the signs and symptoms of prostate enlargement. It can improve blood circulation and restrain growth of pathogenic microorganism in the inflamed prostate thus prevent prostate cancer. 

The life –expectancy gap between men and women is 5.2years which means men need to pay more attention to their health .Because compared to women ,men are  morel likely to;
Smoke and drink more and generally lead less healthy lifestyles
Put off routine checkups and even ignore symptoms of a health problem
Join in fearless, risky, and dangerous behaviors
The good news is that many of the disease and health conditions that men face can be prevented or treated if they are found early. To start taking better care of your health, learn about your risk factors. Risk factors are things in your life that increase your chances of getting a certain disease .some risk factors you cannot change such as your age or family history. But many are in your control .you can decide to quit smoking or drinking for 30 minutes in a day. Find out what u can do to lower your risk factors and improve your overall health .By doing so, you will feel good, and knowing you are doing all you can do to take charge of your own health.    
For more information’s about products and prices visit:
Remember  your  health is