Monday 14 November 2011


The Importance of Supplementation

When dieting or bulking up it is not only important to get the proper nutrition and exercise but you also need to make sure that you’re getting some much needed supplementation.

So what is supplementation and why is it important?
Supplements (noun) as defined by Webster’s dictionary is “something added, especially to make up for a lack” and defined by as “something added to complete a thing, supply a deficiency, or reinforce or extend a whole.
Supplementation is the act of adding to an incomplete thing or a needed item in order to decrease the need for it. In the way of weight loss supplementation is used in order to replenish your body’s lost vitamins and minerals that were lost through exercise, and everyday living.
What happens is that throughout the day and during your exercise periods you’re body uses up its vitamin and other nutrient reserves in order to feed it. Normally you can replenish a lot of these nutrients from food and beverages you eat and drink throughout the day. However foods are only replenish a part of what you lose, and only replenishes certain nutrients.
Other factors that affect the loss of our body’s nutrients are the pollution in the environment around us, stress of work or everyday life, smoking, drinking, drugs, certain medications, ailments that prevent the absorption of certain vitamins, etc. These are all things that cause us to lose those valuable vitamins and nutrients that our body needs to function. (When it comes to ailments that prevent the absorption however you will have to seek a doctors advice on what to do as medication, is sometimes necessary.)
This is where supplementation comes into play. When it comes to replenishing a wide range of nutrients and vitamins for your body, probably the best supplementation for you is a good multi-vitamin. As the name states it has multiple vitamins and nutrients, in specific quantities that has one goal, and that is to re-stock your body’s reserves.
When it comes to supplementation, for the most part both men and women lose a lot of the same vitamins and nutrients, however there are some vitamins and minerals that men lose a lot more of then women and vice versa. For this reason they have made multi-vitamins that have been catered for both men and women.
So what happens if we don’t get enough vitamins and nutrients for our bodies?
Basically put if our bodies are unable to get some of the nutrients and vitamins it needs it becomes deficient in it. This cause our bodies to work less efficiently, and in the long run can cause us to develop certain ailments such as anemia from lack of iron, night blindness from a lack of vitamin A, scurvy from a lack of vitamin C and many others. When our body is unable to do what it needs to in order to keep us healthy it also allows our body’s to be more susceptible to sickness, like colds, the flu, etc.

As a nation, we eat poor-quality foods that have been stripped of nutrients.  We do not consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables.  Many of us get our whole grains from instant rice, refined wheat breads, pastas, and cereal. We eat a tremendous amount of prepackaged, pre-made meals. One-quarter of people eat at fast food restaurants each day. A lot of people are overfed and undernourished. We eat plenty but we are still starving

The foods we eat are not providing our bodies with the nutrition it needs to survive and be healthy. We are starving our bodies and we are sick. We suffer from diabetes, heart attacks, obesity, and the list goes on and on.
Given proper nutrition, the human body has an amazing ability to heal itself. If properly fed and given the right nutrients, the human body is designed to repair itself. To do so, we need to eat a healthier diet, exercise, and take high-quality supplements made from natural herbal ingredients. Organic food supplements supply our bodies with nutrients we are not getting from our diet, all the vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and phytonutrients that foods possess in a way that nature intended, in a whole food form.
Only organic food supplements complete the nutritional gap
Whole food supplements are made by concentrating foods for use in supplements. When processed correctly, they supply a multitude of the plant's components. Foods provide nutrients that work synergistically. They work together to provide you with optimal nutrition for good health

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