Saturday 2 February 2013

Abdominal Tightness

Even the slightest disorder in abdomen can leave you with severe discomfort and sleepless nights. Abdominal tightness is no different and is seen as one of those health issues which irritate the most. Amazingly, there is no single reason behind it; abdominal tightness may result from number of reasons. Abdominal tightness or stomach tightening is the state in which the individual experiences uneasiness as a result of stomach pain, stomach cramping and even stomach bloating. Whatever may be the reason, it needs to be handled with full attention and care as the comfort of entire body rests on it. A thorough knowledge about the causes and treatment of abdominal tightness will help you get over it and be at ease. Follow the next sub-section where all the information is provided.

Causes Of Abdominal Tightness

Wrong Eating Habits
Wrong eating habits are the prime factors behind most of the stomach related health problems. Over-eating, intake of very spicy or oily food, and eating at wrong time usually results in abdominal tightness. It may also occur by the excessive intake of alcohol.


One of the most common causes for pain and abdominal tightness is constipation. When an individual experiences irregular bowel movements, usually less than 3 times a week, and that too very dry and dark in colour, the person is expected to have problem of constipation. You can be sure about constipation if the patient also experiences headache, bloating and gas along with infrequency in bowel movements.

Acute Gastritis
Caused by the intake of alcohol or certain medications like aspirin, or severe stress, acute gastritis is a rapid inflammation of the stomach lining. It is basically brought by a bacterial or viral infection. Tightening in abdomen, combined with pain, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite are some of the major symptoms of acute gastritis.

In the beginning of the intestine, there lies appendix, in the form of a big pouch. The abdomen tightening may occur due to swelling or inflammation in appendix caused by the blockage of feces. It is a serious medical condition and needs urgent medical action..

Diarrhoea can also be one of the possible reasons behind abdominal tightening. When diarrhoea catches an individual, it usually makes the stools very diluted and increases their frequency to a significant level. It also shows signs of fever, headache, nausea, loose stools (sometimes, with blood) along with pain and tightness in abdomen.

Bowel Obstruction
Bowel obstruction, which is directly related to the digestive system, also shows its impact in the form of abdominal tightness and significant pain. The varying types of obstruction in bowel largely depend upon the area of infection: in the large intestine or the small intestine. Usually caused by adhesion, injury, crohn’s disease, volvulus etc, bowel obstruction has abdominal tightness as its foremost symptom.

Lead Poisoning
Lead is known for its poisonous properties. Even a bit of its intake can cause severe health problems. Usually it gets in human system through contaminated water, air and also through utility products like cosmetics and paints. It causes several health problems that include vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach tightness, fatigue etc.

Pregnant women usually experience tightness in their abdomen. During early stages of pregnancy it occurs as an outcome of the increase in the amount of a hormone named as progesterone. During this period, pregnant women experience nausea, too much burping, headache, stomach bloating and tightened stomach.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Generally known as IBS, irritable bowel syndrome is a health problem related with the large intestine whose cause is yet to be identified. More often it is manifested in the form of abdominal tightness, though other symptoms include nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, gas, constipation or diarrhoea.

Strained Muscles
Most sportsmen experience the tightness in abdomen resulting from the severe injuries caused by the excessive physical activities like exercises or sports. It happens when one or more muscles of stomach get pulled or strained during physical activity.

Treatment Of Abdominal Tightness
Avoid oily and spicy food as much as you can. Set a time for meals and refrain from eating at late nights or at wrong times.
Chart a well-balanced diet and follow it properly. Include fibre-rich products which help in reducing gas and subsequent tightening in stomach.
Intake of plenty of clean water really does wonders with the digestive process. Make a habit of drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day.
When suffering from stomach tightening due to constipation or gas formation, take aloe vera juice, prune juice and other such relieving substances like broccoli, potatoes, yogurt, asparagus, flaxseed, almonds, honey, etc.
- Follow BRAT (Banana, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) diet when abdominal tightness is due to diarrhoea. You should also take high-fluid content for fast recovery.
Take a spastic colon diet enriched in magnesium, folic acid and vitamin B6 abdominal tightness is due to irritable bowel syndrome. For this purpose, consume green leafy vegetables, whole wheat breads and cereals, beans, peas and carrots etc. in your food.
When the patient is pregnant, it is normal to have tightened stomach. In case of severe tightness and its continuation over a period of time, contact a doctor immediately.
The problem of acute gastritis can be easily taken cared of with the help of medication. Acidity and inflammation can be cured with the help of over-the-counter and prescription antacids.
One of the severe ailments causing tightness in stomach is appendicitis. The only way to get it treated is surgery.
If however, in a few days time (having followed the treatment) abdominal tightness, pain and discomfort, doesn’t subside then it is recommended that you get the condition diagnosed from a qualified medication professional.

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